Take a Virtual Tour of Recycle Minnesota
Recycle Minnesota
Facility Map
We process the following items from both residential and commercial sources

1. Scale
2. Single Stream Tip Floor
3. OCC Tip Floor
4. Metering Drum
5. Presort Line
6. Triple Deck OCC Screen
7. Glass Recovery Screen
8. Glass Cleaning System
9. Fiber Screens
10. Ballistic
11. Fiber Sorting Line
12. Cross Belt Magnet
13. PET Optical Sorter
14. Container Sorting Line
15. Eddy Current Alum Sep
16. Reject and Cont Compactor
17. Baler Feed Line and Baler
18. Bale Storage and Truck Loading
19. Education Center
20. Commercial Baler
21. Commercial Infeed
23. Waste Transfer Pit
24. Clean Glass Silo
25. Fire Rover
26. Public Drop Off