Hot Zone Plan

Recycle Minnesota Hot Zone Plan

8812 215thStreet West Lakeville, MN 55044


A Hot Zone is a potentially dangerous place. MRF’s/Transfer Stations have many Hot Zones. 

The Recycle Minnesota MRF/Transfer Station Hot Zone Plan has been developed to help eliminate potentially hazardous conditions found in the active areas within the MRF, and Transfer areas. The personal safety of everyone who works in Hot Zones at the MRF/Transfer Station- employees, customers, contracted personnel, visitors, etc. – this is an all-group effort. Not only are the MRF/ Transfer Station employees responsible for their safety in a Hot Zone as well as the safety of others, but everyone also who is working or visiting in these areas must remain vigilant for their own safety, and the safety of others as well by understanding and complying with the Hot zone Plan/policy. 

The following pages outline the Hot Zone Plan for the Recycle Minnesota MRF/Transfer Station. It identifies potential hazards in the MRF and Transfer Station Hot Zones, along with the procedures that everyone needs to follow in these areas. This Hot Zone Plan must be studied and thoroughly understood by all Recycle MN employees, and contracted employees. It will also be provided to all others (third parties) who will be working in the Hot Zone areas of Recycle MN. 

Hot Zone Plan will be reviewed Bi-annually by Plan Coordinator and presented to all inter-company group(s) at the hauling location(s). All third party will review the Hot Zone plan through the Appendix A Site Hot Zone / “Driver Commitment “document - 3rd Party.

MRF’s (Material Recovery Facilities) and Transfer Stations can be a very dangerous place. STAY ALERT!

Table of Contents

1.0 Facility Information
     1.1 Facility Description
      1.2 Responsible Official
      1.3 Location
      1.4 Site Map

2.0 Objectives
     2.1 What is a Hot Zone?
      2.2 Where are the Hot Zones located?
      2.3 Location
3.0 Definition: Hot Zone

4.0 Hot Zone Plan
     4.1 Preventative Procedures
      4.2 Training
      4.3 Emergency/On Site Alarm
      4.4 Hot Zone Coordinator
      4.5 Consequence for Non-compliance of Hot Zone Policy - Inter-company/Third Party


Appendix A
Driver Safety Requirements
Appendix B
Hot Zone Site Maps
Appendix C
Pictures of Signage Within Each Hot Zone Area
Appendix D Emergency Contact List

1.0 Facility Information

     1.1 Facility Description
Recycle Minnesota is a Material Recovery Facility and a Transfer Station

      1.2 Responsible Official
Recycle MN Site Manager          
Paul Wagner          
Mobile: 612-449-4381          
Office: 952-469-9805 

      1.3 Location
8812 215th St w. Lakeville, MN 55044

      1.4 Site Map

2.0 Plan Objectives

The Recycle Minnesota Hot Zone Plan has the following objectives:    

      2.1 What is a Hot Zone?
Specific Area Identified as danger zone of great bodily harm/death due to activity of large equipment.

      2.2 Where are the Hot Zones located?
See Appendix C for detail of the 2 “HOT ZONE’S” Areas at Recycle Minnesota. Zone -1- MRF Operating Floor – Door 16. Zone -2-Transfer/MRF – Door(s) 23-24.

      2.3 How to act in Hot Zones
Refer to our Diver Commitment Appendix A for detailed expectations!

3.0 Hot Zone

A Hot Zone is defined as an area where trucks are dumping, and heavy equipment is operating in close proximity. There is an inherent danger involved with these vehicles maneuvering so close together. However, that danger is compounded when drivers and operators must exit their vehicles, or heavy equipment to work on the ground. Man versus truck or heavy equipment is a losing proposition for everyone involved. There is an immense potential for injury to employees, customers, and other personnel on the ground in Hot Zones.

4.0 Hot Zone Plan

This Recycle Minnesota Hot Zone Plan is intended to:    
- Establish preventative procedures to minimize the potential for casualties, and injuries in these high-risk areas
- Identify personnel that are responsible for making sure this plan is implemented.
- Train all personnel on the Hot Zone Plan

4.1 Preventative Procedures

      4.1.1 Daily Safety Plan. This plan is a daily 5-minute meeting with site workers who will be working in any Hot Zone at any point during that day. This meeting not only provides a review and reminders of each workers responsibilities to insure our commitment to SAFETY and zero incidents within the Hot Zones, but also gives these workers the opportunity to share their observations of the previous days occurrences within the Hot Zones- especially any unsafe practices they observed, which can be immediately addressed and corrected, as well as any other potential or imminent hazards they are seeing to which prompt attention should be given.

      4.1.2 Driver Safety Commitment. This commitment Includes a driver safety requirements information plan, along with a sign off page. A driver safety commitment sticker that they must have on their truck or show proof with our scale attendants that they have received and signed the driver safety commitment.

      4.1.3 Site maps. Site maps are available at the Scale House, and are also included in the Driver Safety Commitment Plan. All employees, customers and personnel should be familiar with the two Hot Zones.

     4.1.4 Employee Communication. All employees on site    Always have two-way radio communication. Employees/Visitor/Contractors are not allowed to crossover a GREEN Line into the Hot Zone areas until they have radio contact with the loader operator first. Once communication is established, the “HOT ZONE” that is being entered into is now an “ALLSTOP” zone while human foot traffic is active in that hot zone area. Once the communication has been established that the human foot traffic is cleared of the “HOT ZONE” area, Equipment activity be allowed to engage again from all stops. (Exception to the “All STOP” is if the human traffic is within a piece of equipment and stay within 3’ of equipment.)

     4.1.5 Signage. Signage is placed in the high-riskareas Within each Hot Zone. See examples inAPPENDIX C.

4.2 Training

All employees (Bi-Annual/New) will receive training and instruction regarding the provisions of the Hot Zone Plan. This training shall take place once an employee is hired, before regular duties are assumed, and Bi-annual training shall be done for all employees at the district.

4.3 Emergency Procedure/On Site Alarm

In the event of an emergency, announcement of the emergency will be communicated by two-way radios (ALLSTOP). All announcements will include the nature of the emergency. The Hot Zone coordinator will determine the announcement. Instructions will vary depending on the nature of the emergency.

4.4 Hot Zone Coordinator

The Hot Zone Coordinator for this facility is:
Name: Paul Wagner          
Position: Site Manager 

Notifier - Additional employees at the facility who have been designated to assist the Hot Zone Coordinator in implementing the Hot Zone Plan.

The Notifiers for this facility are:
Name: Dennis Kohoutlen                
Position: Maintenance Manager            

Name: Sean Holley                                            
Position: Operations Manager            

Name: John Goble                                            
Name: 1st shift Supervisor    

4.5 Emergency Procedure/On Site Alarm

In the event of an emergency, announcement of the emergency will be communicated by two-way radios (ALLSTOP). All announcements will include the nature of the emergency. The Hot Zone coordinator will determine the announcement. Instructions will vary depending on the nature of the emergency.

Appendix A

Site Hot Zone Review
Waste Connection Driver(s) / Operator(s)/ Driver Safety Commitment Document / 3r Party Driver / Contractor/ Visitor

Scale and Tip Floor Policies and Procedures

Goal: Safety and Efficiency
Receiving hours: 7:00am to 4:30pm, Monday through Friday
Shipping hours: 7:00am to 3:00pm, Monday through Friday
Scale phone number: (952)469-9806

Hot Loads: If a Driver should arrive at Recycle Minnesota with a “Hot Load” meaning the trucks load is on fire, the following process should be followed:

1. Scale Attendant calls out “All Stop”– Calls 911 to activate EMS.
2. All West big Bay Doors CLOSED!
3. Scale Attendant directs the Driver/Truck with “Hot Load” to our containment bunker.
4. “Hot Load” containment bunker is located on the Northwest corner clearly marked with signage “Hot Load Containment”. The bunker is painted RED.
5. Driver pulls straight off scale and drives west and will see bunker to back into.
6. Fire Department arrives to extinguish load fire.

Scale Weighting Instructions:

1. When arriving in yard, proceed slowly to scale.
     A. Proceed no more than 10 mph in our yard.
     B. Proceed onto scale.
     C. No hard stops on scale.
2. Once on the scale, put your parking brake on, then step out and walk up to Scale House or use the call box located at the scale.
3. Inform Scale Operator of the truck number, what type of material your driver is hauling, and where the material is coming from.
4. Once complete, the Scale Operator will inform your driver of what door or loading dock you will be backing into.
5. If your driver is a regular customer, they remain in their truck, and wait for the Scale Operator to inform you of what door you will be backing into.


6. Exit scale slowly, and proceed to the door you the driver was directed go to
7. The Loader Operator(s) control RED / GREEN doorway lights on exterior of doors, 23-24 and 16. Drivers will only back into doors on GREEN lights only. RED means stop! Doorway is close/occupied and or unsafe for you to enter.
8. After dumping, your driver will cleanout all traps/blades inside the building- Please pull up to the entrance/Exit door before cleaning! MAKE SURE YOUR DRIVER does a complete LO/TO procedure to ensure all energy sources are eliminated.
9. When finished, exit building, head counterclockwise around the building, and pull back onto scale.
10. Apply the parking brake, get out and walk up to Scale House to sign and receive your ticket.
11. Once you receive your ticket, exit scales lowly and rive counterclockwise around the building going no more than 10 mph.

Tipping Floor Policy:

- There are 5 doors for trucks to unload at.  All trucks will tip at the door they were directed to dump at, unless Loader Operator directs them elsewhere due to breakdowns, etc.
- Stay within 3 feet of your truck at all times – Further than 3’ will result in an “ALL STOP” on the tipping floor!
- Do not leave your truck unattended for any reason on the tip floor
- If your truck breaks down, inform the loader operator immediately
- Non-Compliance to Hot Zone Policy
Any violations of Hot Zone policy will be reported to intercompany hauling group for step disciplinary action. All third party may be prohibited of using our facility base on review of violation.

Contractor/Visitor Hot Zone Guides

- All Contractor / Visitors must check-in at the scale per visit/ per day
- Sign in on Visitor Log
- Issued a 2-way Radio – Retain Driver License /Credit card
- Must review “Hot Zone” expectation. What is a Hot ZONE?
- Understand ALL “Green Zone Line”
- When on tipping floor without equipment the "FLOOR” is a an “ALL STOP"

We appreciate your business and will keep you informed if there are any changes in these policies. Thank you- Recycle MN

"Green Zone " Lines